
Free initial half hour online consultation

£40 per online session (1 hour)

20% discount when you book two sessions at the same time

(I recommend a week between each session)


On average, clients need 4 sessions for maximum results

Payment 24 hours in advance of session

What happens next?

If you decide that you want to experience the benefits of hypnotherapy and Neuro Linguistic Programming for weight loss support, contact me via the contact page to arrange a free half hour online consultation.

During the consultation, I will take some details to see if hypnotherapy is suitable for you and explain the process. It also gives you a chance to ask any questions and to see if you want to proceed with the therapy (there's absolutely no obligation). 

If you choose to proceed, you can contact me (my contact details are on the next page) to arrange a day and time that suits you. You can either book a single session or two sessions at a discount. These are two single 1 hour sessions that will be approximately a week apart. 

All the best!
